

  PERFECTION is a virtual concept that nobody can achieve ever and you might feel that you are perfect in a certain field . But that will not be true because nobody can be perfect even in any field. Okay now you are thinking that how a person cannot be perfect even in a single field. It sounds very rubbish. But it's true and I will tell you how I am saying so confidently that nobody can become perfect even in a single field. PERFECTION is meant by the state of a person in any field when he/she does not require any Improvement.He does not need to change or to better himself. Okay now you are thinking that if perfection is a virtual concept that does not even exist then what to do to be nice. The only answer to this problem is to improve yourself and be better than the previous you. I said you can never be perfect so do not think that you are perfect but you should always try to improve even in every minute. That's it now you can never be proud and your growth will be there until